Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 2 - inspiration

Hello my friends - please have a seat on my blanket and let's talk about yoga, again.

Day 2. I slept 9 hours straight last night. I even overslept without noticing neither the alarm going off, nor somehow turning the alarm off. Getting out of bed was a sore and creaky affair. I woke up with a headache again. You know, this constant headache business is probably caused by perimenopause (when the estrogen level is sinking, but you haven't yet reached menopause). I shudder to say it, yet it feels good to get it out in the open. This is one of the reasons I needed to take on this yoga challenge: to combat the numerous symptoms of perimenopause - constant headaches being just one of them.

Having overslept, being headachy, and sore as hell, didn't stop me from going to Bikram yoga Day 2 (to a later class). This might have been the my saving grace for today. It happened to be C's 365th consecutive class at Bikram yoga!! I don't personally know C since it's only my second day at this studio, but C is a fabulous woman of a more mature stature, and we were all there for her today to celebrate her consecutive ONE YEAR of yoga!! This is an AMAZING feat for sure. We all have reasons why we can't go on a particular day, excuses abound why we shouldn't do it, but looking to C and her 365 days of yoga, you kinda just run out of excuses... 

I felt so inspired by C and her determination, stamina, focus and great attitude! I was also so inspired by the whole class, friends and strangers alike, rallying behind her and gathering all our strengths and energies to make it a great class for her, and for ourselves! We all stepped outside of our little selves for a moment to clap for her, cheer for her, and congratulate her. This made me happy that there was a concerted effort to make everyone part of a community. It is the first time I've felt this from the very beginning in a yoga studio. 

I wish I could tell you it was an easy class - as easy as my first class yesterday - but it wasn't. 2/3 of the way through I felt lightheaded and nauseous. I wanted to quit. I took a breather during 'camel pose', and then I kept going. I am very proud of myself. I finished Day 2. I am sore, tired, but ultimately I am happy.

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