Friday, March 23, 2012

Back to Bikram success!

Hellooo, on this very beautiful spring day in New York City. The temperature reached a high of 75 today, and there was a lovely breeze in the air which reminded me of Hawai'i. Aahhh.... (sigh). 


In early March I started a 30 Day Yoga Challenge. I completed 12 days straight of Bikram Yoga, having never done it before! During my family's stay with me this past week I ordered myself a break from the challenge, only to continue it when I had the chance again. Today was the day when I stepped back into that HOT HOT yoga room: Day 13!
(So what if the days aren't consecutive - I make up the rules in my own challenge!)

I have to admit it wasn't without difficulties coming back today. At the peak of physical exertion during the 90 minute class, what they call the mountaintop, I felt nauseous and needed to sit down and chill for a moment. Eeek. I'm so happy I didn't barf... 
I managed to stay with it, I breathed through it, and I laughed at it after the class with the ladies in the locker room. :)

The ladies in the locker room... well, they are in the classroom as well, but you're in your own meditative bubble of concentration during the 90 minute class, so its hard to see who's in class with you. But after class there is time to get to know some of the Bikram yoga practitioners. Some of these ladies are hard core!! Wow! They come everyday, sometimes they take double classes, back-to-back, sometimes they take a morning class and then come back for a night class. Wow wow!! They live and breathe this yoga. 

What I like about this studio - having not been to another Bikram Yoga studio so I really don't have anything to compare with - is that the teachers are very forgiving and careful and protective of their students' bodies in the class. Bikram Yoga can be very intense, and your body and mind needs to be in a loving and caring place so you feel safe to explore your limits on any given day, and not be judged when you feel weaker on another day. 

I am proud of myself for coming back to class today. Think of something you can be proud of today, something you did for you or someone else, something you said, something you thought, and simply who you are! We all have something we can be proud of. Reach in, grab it, lift it out and look at it, and let the sun shine on it. It's OK to be proud of yourself! 

Thanks for checking in, and come back soon again! Toodles, my friends!

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